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Piotrowice near Bychawa – May 31, 2011

On 31 May 2011, in the Agricultural School Complex in Piotrowice, the Lasting Memory Foundation conducted the meeting between the youth and two witnesses to history: Barbara Gora – the survivor of the Holocaust, co-founder of the Association of Children of the Holocaust – and Wladyslaw Tudruj – the eye-witness of the Extermination of Jews in Piotrowice. After the meeting at school, we walked in the Memory march into the local forest, the execution site of Jews.

The first part of the meeting covered the presentation regarding the life and extermination of Jews in Poland, prepared by the students. They also recalled the names of two families, Dziedzic and Pasierbiak, who rescued Jews in the vicinity of Piotrowice during the war and therefore received the titles of the Righteous Among the Nations of the World. Afterwards, the students, teachers and guests went to the nearby forest where the executions of captured Jews had taken place during the World War II. The march was led by Wladyslaw Tudruj, the last living person forced by the Nazis to bury the murdered Jews. All the participants went along the last way of the Jews and stopped by one of the graves and the plaque founded by the Lasting Memory Foundation in 2010. The students read the Kaddish prayer, psalm and the pope's prayer. In his speech, Zbigniew Nizinski told Lucja Gliksman's poem “Gdzie las byl, czy pamietasz” and “Zydzi”, concerning the necessity to remember the innocent victims. With tears in his eyes, Władysław Tudruj recalled the image of Jews buried in the forest, some of the victims were children. After the speech, the participants visited three more graves marked on the initiative of the Foundation, there are 12 Jews buried in all graves.

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