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Urszulin – March 14, 2011

Zbigniew Nizinski delivered a presentation for the students of the Public Junior High School in Urszulin, regarding the fate of Polish Jews during World War II. The young people became familiar with the history of Jews who used to live in their town. The lecture concerned the Jewish martyrdom sites and hiding places. The students learned about the preserved monuments of Jewish culture and the grave symbols.

Zbigniew Nizinski portrayed the figures of courageous Poles who brought help to the people in need during the Holocaust. He told the stories of the Righteous Among the Nations of the World: Stefania and Jan Sosnowy, who rescued Eli Eszenberg from Frampol, as well as Marianna and Henryk Kozłowski from Urszulin, who helped to save 9-year-old Miriam Zunszajn – a survivor of the execution of Jews in the nearby town of Wereszczyn. At the end, Zbigniew Niziński read the poems by Łucja Gliksman, touching upon the memory of life and extermination of the Jewish people.


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