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Błędów – January 27, 2011

On the International Holocaust Memorial Day Zbigniew Nizinski visited the Polish Olympians Junior High School in Błędów and performed there a history lesson devoted to Jews during the World War II. He also organized a meeting between the youth and the witness to the Holocaust Józef Grudziąż , who is also a guardian of the Jewish cemetery in Błędów. Among the participants were: Deputy Mayor of Błędów Jacek Adamski, Deputy Headmistress of School Complex in Błędów Marianna Szewczyk and the teachers.

Zbigniew Niziński carried out a presentation showing the unknown sites of the Extermination and Poles who rescued Jews during the Nazi occupation. He also spoke about Jewish residents of Błędów and their stories. In 1921, 815 of around 1900 inhabitants were Jews, which made up 43 percent of the population. By 1939, the number of Jewish residents had risen to 957, most of whom died in Treblinka. Józef Grudziąż recalled the image from his childhood, when he and his mother had witnessed execution of Jews killed by the Nazis. He saw Jewish adults and children – We couldn't do anything to help them. Afterwards, he spoke about saving the local Jewish cemetery. The Social Committee for Rebuilding the Jewish Cemetery in Błędów was established in 1995 with Józef Grudziąż as its supervisor. The Committee's activity was supported by the District Office. As a result, mounds of rubbish were moved out of the cemetery on seven trailers. Soon afterwards the site was enclosed with a fence and a gate was installed. A symbolic matzevah with the image of menorah was placed in the cemetery area. Mr Józef's activity has been determined by his childhood memories. In the second part of the Holocaust Memorial Day, a group of pupils together with the School Headmistress and Zbigniew Niziński walked to the Jewish cemetery situated about 2 kilometers away from school. They lit the candles and attentively listened to the memories of Józef Grudziąż.

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