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Stasiówka near Łomazy – September 9, 2015

A memorial stone was unveiled by the Lasting Memory Foundation in Stasiówka, next to the grave of 18 Jews murdered by German soldiers in 1942. The ceremony was attended by the youth from Israel and a Middle School in Łomazy as well as local authorities, residents of Stasiówka and neighboring villages. The participants recalled the tragic events of 1942, sang songs and prayed to pay tribute, respects and restore dignity to the dead.

The ceremony was attended by: a group of 80 students from the town of Gedera in Israel along with Ruth – the Holocaust Survivor and witness to history; the students of a school complex in Łomazy together with their Principal Anna Filipiuk and the teachers; authorities of Łomazy Commune; a priest of Huszcza parish and local residents, including witnesses to the events. The ceremony was conducted by Zbigniew Niziński, the Foundation’s President. After the guests had been welcomed by the Chairwoman of the Commune Council, Rut spoke about her family who had lived in nearby villages. She presented a photograph of her family members who died in different places, e.g. in the forest Hały near Łomazy and in Treblinka. The Israeli youth performed a song and said Kaddish. The parish priest intonated a prayer. The Middle School students from Łomazy recited poetry. The participants sang the anthems of Poland and Israel. One of the residents, witness to the murder of the Jews, thanked everyone for coming and that the grave had been commemorated.
The murdered Jews were hiding in a barn near the woods. They were all captured in a German manhunt, then stripped naked and executed one after another. Among the victims were 18-year-old girls and elders, possibly whole families. At the Germans’ command, the head of Stasiówka appointed the locals to bury the dead in the woods.
Flowers were laid and candles lit at the memorial stone. Towards the end of the ceremony, the students shook hands as a sign of friendship. The commemoration has been accomplished thanks to the help of local residents and the funding of the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute and individual donors, the friends of Jack Pariser from California.

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