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CZERNIC near Ryki – November 20, 2013.

The ceremony of unveiling a memorial plaque over the grave of 12 Jews killed by the Germans in Kolonia Czernic on 29 June 1943, was held in the woods near Czernic. In 1943, the Jews were hiding in the house of a local resident when they were all killed. The Lasting Memory Foundation commemorated the grave of the murdered Jews and brought back the tragic events which had taken place 70 years before.

SMUGA FOREST near Jabłoń – November 20, 2013

An unveiling ceremony took place in a forest near Jabłoń, on the 70th anniversary of the murder of 29 Jews by the Germans, near the victims’ grave. In that place, a memorial stone with the names of 21 victims, the residents of Jabłoń, was erected by the Lasting Memory Foundation. Flag bearers representing three local schools gathered around the memorial along with students and other guests to pay honors to the dead.

Małków near Hrubieszow – November 17, 2013

A ceremonial unveiling of a memorial plaque next to the grave of Jews commemorated by the Lasting Memory Foundation took place in Małków Kolonia. The victims were murdered on 2 December 1939 at the Death March during which the Jews from Chełm and Hrubieszów were marched to the town of Sokal (a Soviet and German border during the war) and killed by the Germans. The attending guests, including Małków residents, paid tribute to the innocent victims.

LISZNO – November 14, 2013

In the town of Liszno, at the burial place of local Jews murdered by the Germans in May 1942, the ceremony of unveiling a memorial stone set up by the Lasting Mamory Foundation took place. The town’s residents, students from a local school and other guests gathered near the memorial to pay tribute to the dead.

Jodłowa – 6 listopada 2013 r.
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Na cmentarzu żydowskim w Jodłowej odbył się kolejny etap inwentaryzacji macew przeprowadzony przez studentów z Instytutu Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Odkryto kilkanaście macew z II połowy XIX wieku. W pracach pomagał Urząd Gminy Jodłowa oraz zarząd Fundacji „ Pamięć, Która Trwa”.

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