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Wola Łaskarzewska – December 9, 2014

In Wola Łaskarzewska, in a public school named in memory of the village of Wanaty, Zbigniew Niziński presented photographs of the Lasting Memory Foundation’s commemorations of the people murdered during World War II as well as places affected by genocide. Among the participants were a parish priest of Łaskarzew Edmund Szarek and Zofia Kamionowska from the Association of Children of the Holocaust.

At the meeting it was emphasized that although so many years had passed since the end of the war, the memory of its victims was preserved.
The school in Wola Łaskarzewska preserves the memory of a tragedy of 28 February 1944 when the Germans conducted pacification of Wanaty village. 108 Poles, including 37 women and 47 children, were murdered. 22 households were burned to the ground. Only two witnesses to the events survived the pacification. 19 families vanished in one day, there were no survivors. On 28 February 2014, on the 70th anniversary of the pacification of Wanaty, the school adopted a flag.
In May 2014 the school’s students and teachers took part in the ceremony next to the grave of murdered Jews in nearby Leokadia, commemorated by the Foundation.


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