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Jodłowa – April 8-9, 2014

On 9 April 2014, it was the fourth time the members of the Jewish Culture Section of the Middle East Circle from the Jagiellonian University came to a Jewish cemetery in Jodłowa – Wisowa to continue cataloguing the matzevas together with their supervisor Dr. Daniel Starzyński and the Lasting Memory Foundation’s President Zbigniew Niziński. A detailed list and location scheme of tombstones were drafted. In total, over 70 Hebrew grave inscriptions were deciphered, the oldest dating back to 1837.

Pupils from a local primary school also visited the cemetery to see the results of the work. For quite some time, the place has been under the care of the children and teachers who regularly remove fallen leaves and branches from the cemetery ground. The works have also been supported by Jodłowa Commune Office with the mayor Robert Mucha and Rev. Dr. Julian Kapłon who acts for the preservation of the memory of Jodłowa Jews.
The previous day, the Foundation collected witness accounts and conducted several gravesite inspections with residents in order to locate burial pits of Jews murdered during World War II.

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