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Bzowiec – October 26, 2018

In a forest in the town of Bzowiec the Lasting Memory Foundation commemorated a burial place of 25 Jews – men, women and children murdered by the Germans in 1942. Their first and last names were inscribed on the Memorial. The unveiling ceremony conducted by the Foundation was attended by more than 200 people from Poland and Israel who gathered to pay tribute to the dead and restore the memory of their lives.

Olchowiec – September 4, 2018

After 76 years since the murder of 47 Jews in Olchowiec, the Lasting Memory Foundation located and commemorated their grave. The ceremony of unveiling the memorial stone was attended by local residents, students of four nearby schools, local authorities as well as invited guests from Poland and Israel.

Wereszczyn, Urszulin – August 13, 2018

In the towns of Wereszczyn and Urszulin, next to the plaques in memory of the Jews murdered by the Germans in May 1942, took place unveiling ceremonies with the presence of the youth from Akko in Israel as well as Polish students from Urszulin.

Strzelce – May 21, 2018

In a school in Strzelce, Zbigniew Niziński delievered a speech and presentation to the students and teachers regarding the work of commemorating the Victims of the war. Afterwards, the participants proceeded to the burial place of 14 Jews murdered by the Germans in May 1942, commemorated by the Lasting Memory Foundation in 2009.

Warsaw – March 24, 2018

In Warsaw Zbigniew Niziński met with the youth from Naharija in Israel. During the lecture the students found out about the actions of the Lasting Memory Foundation for commemorating the Jews murdered during the Holocaust. They were told about and shown the pictures of the graves of the Victims located and commemorated by the Foundation with the assistance of local residents.

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